Arr. Kirk MacGeachy

Can ye no hush yer weepin'?
A' the wee lambs are sleepin'.
Birdies are nestin', nestin' the gether,
Dream Angus is hirpin' O'er the Heather

Dreams tae sell, fine dreams tae sell,
Angus is here wi' dreams tae sell.
Hush noo my bairnie, and sleep without fear,
Dream Angus will bring you a dream, my dear.

Hark noo the curlews cryin'-o
Faint the echoes dyin'-o.
A' the wee birds are noo lyin' sleepin',
But my bonnie bairnie's weepin', weepin'.


Sweet the laverock sings at morn.
Heraldin' the bright new dawn.
Wee lambs they cooris doon the gether
Alang wi' their ewies in the heather.


Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell,
Angus is coming with dreams to sell.
Hush now wee bairnie and sleep without fear,
For Angus will bring you a dream, my dear.

Can you no hush your weepin'?
All the wee lambs are sleepin'.
Birdies are nestin', nestin' together,
Dream Angus is hurtlin' o'er the heather.


Sweet the laverock sings at morn,
Heraldin' in a bright new dawn.
Wee lambs, they coorie down together
Along with their ewies in the heather.


Note: Dream Angus is also know as Angus Og, a male child of the Celtic
Goddess Dana. His name means "ever young", and was seemingly Lord of
Death and Rebirth as well as ruler of the Celtic underworld.